Apr 13, 2022
Next week Dakota Spotlight will be back with Episode 11 of Season 6. Thirty four years ago, Carla Beth Anderson, age 23, had just been told she was employee of the month at her fast food job in Wadena, Minnesota. Then, she vanished. Police, family and community members have sought in vain to find out what happened to her, and wonder if a mysterious nearby fire and a missing car may have had something to do with it.
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Here is the original article about the Carla Beth Anderson case.
Next week Dakota Spotlight will be back with Episode 11 of Season 6: Vanishing Act -- The Untold Story of Kristin Diede and Bob Anderson. To see documents, photos, videos and more about this case visit: inforum.com/dakotaspotlight
If you know what happened to Kristin and Bob or have vital information for Law Enforcement, call the Logan County (ND) Sheriff’s Office: 701-754-2495.
Contact us: James - jwolner@forumcomm.com | Jeremy - jfugleberg@forumcomm.com Twitter: @DakotaSpotlight | @JayFug
Dakota Spotlight is a production of Forum Communications Co.
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