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Dec 23, 2021

Part 2 of 2 - Host James Wolner and his daughter head to a small apartment in Sweden to learn more about the lives and deaths of Sajid Hussain and Karima Baloch.  Music by Väsen Dakota Spotlight The Vault

Dec 22, 2021

Part 1 of 2 - What do these things have in common: missing Barbara Cotton from Williston, ND, a hitman in Italy, secret agents, international crime and 3,300 pounds of heroin seized in a Dutch port city? I’ll tell you. They are all included in this 2-part story about how my Scandinavian vacation became sidetracked by...

Nov 11, 2021

Season 5, Episode 19.  James and Lisa Jo of #FindBarbCotton finally speak to 'RED' who was with person of interest Stacey Werder when Werder was arrested and later took his own life.  Stacey was seen with Barbara Cotton on the night she disappeared.  For the first time ever, Red speaks out about Stacey Werder's last...

Oct 24, 2021

Season 5, Episode 18

Who was Stacey's friend C.E Sullivan aka Red Sullivan.  Can you help us find him? Lisa Jo of FindBarbCotton and James walk through the coroner's inquest hearing for the suicide of Stacey Demarr Werder, who hung himself in jail three months after Barbara went missing.  

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Aug 25, 2021

Season 5, Episode 17: Talks with Lisa Jo Schiele, Diane (Cotton) Schiele and Kathy (Cotton) Nulph all of the #findbarbcotton movement.  New information on why Barb's older (now deceased) brother Frank is considered a person of interest.  A billboard for Barb is now up in Williston and the new website.

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